Lilia Garcia Manrique

Welcome to my webpage!

I am Lilia, a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Sussex.

My primary research focuses on the electricity market in Mexico. My first line of analysis is the impact of imported electricity on the Mexican grid. On a second approach, I am interested in how electricity exports represent a health cost to the Mexican population.

Before studying the electric market, I researched Climate Change. Only by understanding a country's energy matrix can we transit to a greener and sustainable path. Because of that, my research interests also include oil and gas markets and energy security.

As a researcher, it is my interest to make accessible knowledge to everyone. Therefore, you will find a section of Op Ed's in English and Spanish, and these are for the general public. But also, I am a member of Planeteando, a group of young researchers that disseminate in an easy and accessible way research ideas related to climate change and sustainable development.

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