Science Dissemination

Research should be accessible to anyone. As a contribution to this idea, I am part of a group of young Mexican researchers, Planetenado. All of us are working in topics related to climate change, sustainability, and the environment. Our objective is to explain research in these areas to young people. This way our knowledge can be easily accessible to them. These are small articles written in Spanish. Planeteando works in partnership with Eos American Geophysical Union, and the Unión Geofísica Mexicana.

El chisme de la electricidad en México, ¿porqué NO estamos apostando por energías renovables? November 2020

El que contamina paga: Impuestos y subsidios en México. September 2020

¿Proteger a generaciones futuras del cambio climático nos dejará en bancarrota? August 2020

Marikondeando o Minimalismo ¿para qué? August 2019

I am also part of the project Aplicar desde México. We are a group of Mexicans PhD students studying abroad and we provide information and tools for future Mexican (or Latin American) applicants. Our main area of research is Economics and Finance, therefore, the information we provide is focus for these areas of research. We have a special section for those thinking in studying in the UK. The main idea of this project is to close the information gap between PhD students/candidates and prospective applicants.